We are mid-week to June 2021 and this is where we watch as much tv shows as we can, and movies. And at the same time, for those with kitchens, cook as much dishes that they can try and having the takeways and deliveries at the same time. The June Holidays, is quite important on…
Category: Uncategorized
Vu Marcoms Engagevu Blog 4 June 2021
Beginning to look like Summer! And for some is Winter. These are our updates this week. And hope you are staying home, and safe. Best wishes Sharon Vu Photo by Pexels-Ksenia Chernaya If you are looking for a Gift for Dad, for Father’s Day, please find at https://dashinglyverygoodlivingvgd.myshopify.com and there is a promo code of…
VuMarcoms Engagevu Blog 25 May 2021
Thought and Updates 25 May 2021 / Vu Marcoms has updated our website, refreshed the look and design using the tools avail, and hope you are finding this easy to navigate at https://vumarcoms.com And we would share about Olive and Latte Family website, that is graphically friendly, and shows all the various websites that you…
VuMarcoms Engagevu Blog 18 May 2021
Thoughts and Updates 18 May 2021 / Vu Marcoms will post on updates and blog about interests that I hope will pique your curiosity. With the announcements on Covid-19 in Singapore and the restrictions, we will keep updated via https://www.oliveandlattehomelounge.com/post/covid-19-notes and at https://twitter.com/globegal. If you have any comments you can always email to contact@oliveandlatte.com,…
Sharing about anything lifestyle living on arts/entertainment, corporate events, food and shopping Olive and Latte www.x.com/olivelattekitch https://www.facebook.com/oliveandlatteabs www.facebook.com/oliveandlatte www.instagram.com/oliveandlatteinthekitch Globegal www.x.com/globegal www.instagram.com/globegalsg http://www.burpple.com/@globegalsg https://www.burpple.com/@globegal http://globegal-sg.blogspot.com/ Sharon Vu www.facebook.com/vueatdrinkmingle www.youtube.com/user/vusharon/videos https://www.pinterest.com/sharonvu/ (Affordable Luxe) Dashingly Very Good Living VGD www.dashinglyverygoodlivingVGD.com https://dashinglyverygoodlivingVGD.myshopify.com (New!) with interest free installment for 3 months www.x.com/DashinglyVGD www.instagram.com/DashinglyVeryGoodLivingVGD