What’s Happening, Vu Marcoms blogs and thoughts.

From PR to Marketing Communications consulting, we hope to see you achieve your objectives and goals
Our focus is in PR, Communications, Marketing to Social Media and more. We liaise, to bring small to large events to you.
We could also work with collaborators, to make and maintain your websites and social, and have also set up varied websites to cater to your requirements.
Together with Olive and Latte ABS (www.oliveandlatteabs.com), the company that started in 2014 as an online content generation and sharing of stories across social networks and platforms, we hope to make your product/service enticing.
Olive and Latte eGlobeshop https://oliveandlatte.com
https://oliveandlatte.myshopify.com, is a shop around the corner, that was launched on 7 Feb 2018, as an extension and an ecart to describe memorabilia and items from across the globe curated by Olive and Latte with Artists, Shoppers, and Biz Innovators. The items have interesting and engaging stories behind them, or sometimes as retail therapy when people travel and getaway.
Olive and Latte Plug and Play is an engagement service where they plug into companies in functions & units, to assist and engage, for Public Relations, Marketing, and more, with their core of Publicists, Communicators, and Marketers.
Dashingly Very Good Living VGD has the 3-pronged concept for the Affordable Luxury segment and with the addition of the e-carting of Marketing to Solutions services for the Individual and companies, that is a pre-pay service. It has categories of “Global Local Designers” that Dashingly Very Good Living VGD will source the products/service from, partner and procure together with the category of “the Personality”.
Olive and Latte Home Lounge https://www.oliveandlattehomelounge.com/ aims to cover everything about Home including notes on Enrichment to make your day, Deals of the Day and Week and Home recipes (largely Recipe Ideas of what to cook), as a Home companion for those working remotely or at home. Engage for Moments https://www.engageformoments.com/ is a blog about the moments, the virtual Attractions, Travel and Anecdotal Moments and experiences be it in the online sphere and spaces.
Sharing about anything that is lifestyle living, on arts and entertainment, about corporate events, food and shopping.
Olive and Latte
Freelance Gig
Sharon Vu
(Affordable Luxe) Dashingly Very Good Living VGD
https://dashinglyverygoodlivingVGD.myshopify.com (New!) with interest free installment for 3 months
Video Gallery on events,webinars attended.
About previous reflections, present and some forward-looking ideas.
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